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Spanking HD-SD Videos


Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Caned in Spain UNLADYLIKE MANOR Episode 52 spr-1795 Spankingsarah

The last in the new series of Unladylike Manor sees lady Susan & Mr. Stern confronted by the nasty wife. She is determined to take her revenge for the stealing of her beloved pooch Noah and blames Lady Sue. When she is in this sort of mood the only thing to do is submit, so Mr. Stern makes himself scarce whilst Lady Sue is dragged off the bed and bent over for a long and fierce caning on her bare bottom.

Mr Stern, Sarah Stern, Suzanne Smart

spr-1795.mp4 - 972.7 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amy's Attitude Adjustment - Cheerleaderspankings

Amy has been told to leave Cheer Practice and report to the Principal's Office for a serious matter of a long overdue detention discipline. Her attitude and behavior to teaching staff and those in authority has been woeful, downright disrespectful, and beyond acceptable recently. Principal Bernadette experiences more of this sassy brat's behavior when Amy thinks she is being clever and witty by answering back with pointless, hurtful quips and rudeness... by now, Miss Bernadette has heard enough! Amy is taken, in hand, over the principal's lap for an embarrassing spanking whilst still dressed in her cheer uniform. Amy's smart remarks and chatting back are quickly replaced with yelps and whining as the hand spanking quickly reddens her bare bottom in that vulnerable position. The principal is far from finished with this annoying miscreant as she bends Amy over the desk for the school's infamous "Leather Strap of Correction". Amy's reddened bottom turns a darker angry shade of crimson as the leather implement swats the naughty girl's backside with relentless precision. Only now does Amy realize that her attitude will only get her into further trouble and she is left to contemplate a very sorry future if she continues down this path... and the film ends with Amy rubbing her aching, swollen cheeks better.

Amy Fox, Miss Bernadette

amys_attitude_adjustment.zip - 1013.9 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amelia Jane's first spanking audition - Part 2 - 1980 x 1020p HD widescreen - MP4 version - Strictly English Spanking Clips

Amelia Jane Rutherford (AKA Ariel Anderssen) came to audition for Strictly English in February 2006. In Part 1 we saw her being interviewed and then doing the first improvised spanking scene. This clip starts where that one left off, with Amelia Jane going back upstairs to the changing room where she talks briefly about how she felt about the scene while she gets undressed to change into a new outfit for the second spanking scene.

In the second spanking improvisation, Amelia Jane goads Richard into spanking her. He puts her over his lap to start her spanking but then makes her stand bent over with her hands on the sofa while he pulls down her panties and spanks her on her bare bottom. Finally he makes he adopt the 'wheelbarrow' position for a long hard final spanking.

Unscripted and completely authentic this whole clip was filmed in real time just as it happened giving an unprecedented fly on the wall view of a very beautiful, very open, honest and genuine star to be, that all true fans of Amelia Jane/Ariel will want to see for themselves, shown here for the for first time in its entirety and Access All Areas showing all 3 camera angles for the spanking scene in wide screen 1920 x 1080p HD MP4 format.

Amelia Jane Rutherford, Uncle Richard




Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Kitty visits Mr Stern spr-2427 Spankingsarah

Kitty Quinzell has been sent to see Mr Stern by her Husband. He is unhappy about the way she dresses and how she flirts all the time with other men. Kitty arrives for her appointment dressed in a tight top and skirt and is totally unrepentant about her behaviour. She soon changes her tune when she finds herself over the knee learning a very painful lesson. Mr Stern has a very hard hand and her bare bottom is soon very red and sore. Kitty then changes into some more appropriate clothing and gets a further spanking over her tan coloured tights.

Kitty Quinzell, Mr Stern, Sarah Stern

spr-2427.mp4 - 1.2 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
3 girls versus the Singapore prison cane (HD Clip) - Miss Sultrybelle

Opening shot:
The 3 girls facing the A frame, naked with their hands on their heads, legs slightly apart and bottoms to camera.

Scene 1
Girls in turn to camera

Ruby Eat Mitchell : "My name is Ruby Mitchell. I have been found guilty vandalism. I have been sentenced to a judicial caning on my bare arse. 40 full force strokes on my bare buttocks with a Singapore cane. 10 being additional strokes to hide my identity. Fastened to the A frame with my bare bum sticking out to be thrashed with the cane like a naughty girl. I bet you want to see my bare arse get caned really severely."

(Ashley Benson) "My name is Ashley Benson. I have been convicted of being dru** and disorderly and criminal damage. I've been sentenced to be caned on my hands and my bare bum. I'll end up bent over the A frame with my bare arse sticking out for the Singapore cane like a naughty little girl. I bet you want to see me get it really severely."

(Gemma Irons): "My name is Gemma Irons. I have been convicted of being dru** and disorderly, criminal damage and public indecency. I have been sentenced to be caned really severely on my feet, hands and bare bum. I'll end up bent over the A frame with my bare arse sticking out for the Singapore cane like a naughty girl. I bet you want to see me really suffer from an extremely severe caning."

Scene 2
Miss Belle is in the punishment room. There's a knock on the door and the 3 girls enter. MB addresses them by their last names only (Mitchell, Benson and Irons).

She checks their names and sentences.

Mitchell : 40 strokes Singapore Cane fastened to the A frame.
Benson: 6 with ordinary cane bare buttocks, 4 strokes cane on each hand (8 total), 30 strokes Singapore Cane fastened to the A frame bare buttocks
Irons: 14 cane soles of feet, 6 ordinary cane bare buttocks, 4 cane each hand (8 total). 30 Singapore Cane fastened to the A frame bare buttocks.

MB then orders the girls to strip completely, including shoes and tells Mitchell and Benson to face the wall with their hands on their heads.

Scene 3
Irons is instructed to lie on the floor, legs resting on school desk as in "Gemma's Suffering. She is ordered to count the strokes saying "thank you ma'am" after each stroke. MB then canes her feet really hard. After 14 Irons is told to get up and move the desk out of the way and then to stand facing the wall, hands on head, with the other two. (Usual slow mo repeat strokes for all punishments and close ups of her soles please)

Scene 4
MB orders Benson forward. MB then orders Benson to bend over with her legs well apart and her hands on her knees in a sort of squatting position sticking her bottom well out, as in attached photos. MB instructs Benson to count the strokes saying "thank you Ma'am" after each one. MB then canes Benson. Strokes are at approx 15 second intervals and are extremely hard. (please show all strokes from both the rear and face view). Benson is ordered to return to the wall. Slow mo close up of her marked bottom as she walks to the wall. It will work better if the wall is not too close to where the caning takes place.

Scene 5
Irons is caned in same manner as Benson.

Scene 6
Benson is called out for her hand caning, Standing, one arm supporting the other, alternate hands, counting and thanking with caning as discussed previously on fetlife. After caning a close up of her marked hands before returning to the wall.

Scene 7
Irons caned on hands in same manner as Benson.

Scene 8
Mitchell is ordered forward and MB secures her to the A frame in a bent over position without padding! MB then canes her full force with the Singapore Cane with the other girls counting the strokes after they're delivered. Usual slowmo repeats and close ups. After 40 strokes she is released and ordered back to the wall. Close up slow mo of her marked bottom as she walks back. Show strokes from rear only.

Scene 9
Benson is caned same as Mitchell for 30 strokes.

Scene 10
Irons caned the same as Mitchell.

Ashley Benson, Eat, Gemma Mc Bride, Miss Sultry Belle

3girlsvSingapore333.mp4 - 2.2 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Apologize Like You Mean It - Cheerleaderspankings

Lily has been sent home early from Cheer Practice for swearing at the coach and being very rude which upset the other girls. Her Stepfather, John, was informed and he promised to deal with her on the coach's behalf and extract a meaningful apology from her. She arrives home to find him waiting and he tells her he knows everything and she will be punished right there. She is placed over the paternal lap for an embarrassing hand spanking which he carries out across her bare buttocks. Poor Lily feels ashamed of her earlier behavior and promises to atone for her actions to the coach and her teammates. but he is not convinced. To ensure Lily makes a meaningful apology, he insists that she think about a speech she will make to everyone. However, that is not before he removes his leather belt, cracks it in front of her, and has her lie down on the sofa to present her red bottom for further correction. His leather belt turns an already sore reddening bottom a darker hue of crimson as the thick leather bites into her delicate cheeks. Finally, Lily is left to contemplate her actions before she is taken back to school to make that genuine heartfelt apology!

John Osborne, Lily Thot

apologize_like_you_mean_it.zip - 814.1 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Fighting girls caned part 2 spr-2129 Spankingsarah

The story so far, Ash has had a severe caning for stealing money from Mila, Mila is now about to be caned for being involved in a fight with Ash. As with the caning received by Ash, Mila has to take a number of strokes on her denim jeans and then the same number on the bare bottom, once again the other girl gets to request that this is doubled up and so it is. Each girl will get an extra 12 strokes with the senior cane.

Ashley Benson, Mila Grant, Sarah Stern

spr-2129.mp4 - 1.5 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
The cane for your sins spr-2108 Spankingsarah

Sarah has just had good cause to paddle schoolgirl Lulu, she was punished at school for defacing hymn books and if she gets punished at school then she must be punished at home, that's the rules. Sarah now has to punish Lulu for telling lies; she tried to blame the other girls for her sins and this will get her a severe punishment and a rather humiliating punishment. First she has to strip naked, very embarrassing for her and then she has to go over the piano stool with her bottom raised. A heavy senior girls cane is chosen for this punishment and it is applied full strength to her bare bottom. Stroke after stroke soon reduce this cocky schoolgirl to a tearful and very sorry teenager.

Lulu Lamb, Sarah Stern

spr-2108.mp4 - 701.3 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Bellington Academy Two part 2

More classroom discipline at the hands of Miss Sullivanas first Maureen, then Diana are given six strokes on the hands with a ruler, then put across Miss Sullivan's ample knee and spanked with the slipper. Bare bottom, naturally.

Mary, Maureen, Diana, Miss Sullivan

Bellington Academy Two part 2.mp4 - 306.4 MB

File Name : Bellington Academy Two part 2.mp4
File Size : 306.4 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:06:11



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Dealing With The Dealers 1

Today, two of my former students were caught dealing right in front of school. While I am disappointed in each of them, more importantly I am appalled by their attempt to corrupt my current pupils! I could call the police, but they are better served by a reminder of their time attending my class.

Since she's the ringleader, Vanessa will be first to repeat the course on idle hands being the devil's playground. Palms up, she holds her hands out for a long lesson from my tawse, crying out in pain after each hard stroke. Pursing her lips, she blows cool air on her stinging skin, with a new understanding of what it means to be caught red-handed.

Next, the knickers come off, and Vanessa's long legs go straight up to the ceiling. My cane hitting the back of her thighs causes her convulsions of pain, and she is barely able to hold position. She knows I've never had a lot of patience for that.

Discipline is what she needs, and discipline is what she'll get.

Tindra Frost, Elsa Svenson, Sunflower

Dealing With The Dealers 1-HD.mp4 - 2.6 GB

File Name : Dealing With The Dealers 1-HD.mp4
File Size : 2696.53 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:19:10



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Madam Regrets spr-1731 Spankingsarah

This is another adventure from Unladylike Manor and features the amazing Suzanne Smart. We have had so many requests to get this lovely lady back and here she is. Madam has made a complaint about the maid Suzanne and it's left to Lord Stern to hand out the discipline. As much as it pains him to have to remove her panties and spank her delectable bare bottom he once again does his duty and gives her a blistering OTK spanking. This beautiful lady does love a good hard spanking and it is our duty to her to make sure that with every film she makes with us she gets exactly what she wants, we like this as it gives you exactly what you want.

Katie Didit, Mr Stern, Suzanne Smart

spr-1731.mp4 - 412.2 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Lyra Learns Her Lesson - Cheerleaderspankings

Lyra has been sent to the Principal's Office after more miscreant behavior (cutting classes yet again) even after she had been caned by one of her teachers earlier! It's a progressive school and girls can express themselves with their body artwork but, as always, some pupils take it too far. This is Lyra! This time he will ensure she learns a lesson in respect and following guidelines as he places her over his desk and spanks her hard on her bare bottom. Her poor thighs may have the signs of earlier punishment but now her untouched cheeks turn a dark, shameful hue of crimson just from his stinging hand. Lyra is told to present her bottom fully as he produces the school's dreaded Reformatory Strap. Her poor swollen bottom takes a relentless barrage of swift leather swats from this heavy implement of correction. After Principal Osborne is finished he goes back to reviewing some coursework whilst she must remain in an uncomfortable "on tip-toes" position. Her poor aching bottom is in desperate need to be rubbed better but this is also part of her punishment during Time Out! Lyra and John have great chemistry and he knows just how far to push her in this hard-hitting cheerleader punishment film!

John Osborne, Opal Skies

lyra_learns_her_lesson.zip - 780.1 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
History with Miss Montford

Little Susie Li has earned herself detention after failing her history exam. Her teacher, Miss Montford, is surprised and dismayed at this bright student turning in such a poor performance. She soon realizes Susie is simply disinterested in the subject matter, and there's only one way to correct that.

Miss Montford pulls Susie over her knee, spanking through her blue uniform knickers with a plimsoll slipper. Adding to Susie's embarrassment, her knickers are pulled down to her knees, and the slipper thuds over and over against her bare tender bottom. Scolding and striking Susie until her cheeks are a bright, angry shade of red, Miss Montford prepares her for an extended and painful detention.

Nicky Montford, Susie Li, Miss Elsa Svenson


History with Miss Montford screenshots.zip - 8.4 MB

History-with-Miss-Montford-1-HD.mp4 - 2.7 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-2-HD.mp4 - 1.1 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-3-HD.mp4 - 1.3 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-4-HD.mp4 - 2.0 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-5-HD.mp4 - 1.5 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-6-HD.mp4 - 1011.4 MB
History-with-Miss-Montford-7-HD.mp4 - 2.0 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Dealing With The Dealers 2

Today, two of my former students were caught dealing right in front of school. While I am disappointed in each of them, more importantly I am appalled by their attempt to corrupt my current pupils! I could call the police, but they are better served by a reminder of their time attending my class.

Louisa is next up for her remedial course in miscreant punishment. I believe she was more of an accomplice, but she won't get off easy. She holds her palms out for her lesson from my tawse, until her hands are just as red as how she was caught. Louisa's knickers come off, and her partner in crime Vanessa struggles to help her keep both legs in the air for my cane. The poor little criminal begins shaking, as the welts quickly appear on her thighs.

Tindra Frost, Elsa Svenson, Sunflower

Dealing With The Dealers 2-HD.mp4 - 1.9 GB

File Name : Dealing With The Dealers 2-HD.mp4
File Size : 1996.33 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:13:18
