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Spanking HD-SD Videos


Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Trainee teacher regrets part 1 spr-2365 Spankingsarah

Lily is a new teacher at a private all girls' school. A lot of the pupils are over 18 but have had to stay in full time education because they have failed their exams. Lily has a unique way of disciplining these girls and has found her ways to be most successful. Unfortunately, one of the Board of Governors does not agree. Lily is confronted and as all her implements are on full view on her desk, she cannot deny what she has been doing. She is given a choice of being treated the same way as these pupils or being dismissed. She reluctantly agrees to take some of the same punishment. She immediately goes over the knee and gets spanked just like the naughty teens she has been in control of. Poor Lily is not only humiliated but given a far harder spanking then she has ever administered. When her bare bottom is red and sore, she is told to stand in the corner and wait for her Boss to return. Will this be the end of her torment?

Kady, Sarah Stern

spr-2365.mp4 - 590.3 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Liar Liar Bottom on Fire - Cheerleaderspankings

Raven Mackenzie makes a welcome return as a naughty cheerleader called Lisa, who finds herself in deep trouble with her mommy (played by Madame Samantha B). Unfortunately for Lisa, with her name so prominently on her uniform, the school was informed by concerned locals who were appalled with the behavior she and her friends displayed at the local shopping mall. She had not been attending practice and had also been fairing badly at school with slipping grades. Mommy is disappointed to learn all this and decides that her girl, the serial liar, needs to be taught a proper lesson. Lisa goes over mommy's lap for a hand spanking and a mean scolding before the brush that she had seen earlier is put to good use across her bared buttocks. The wooden hairbrush hurts so much and Lisa squirms and kicks her legs as mommy continues to promise this will be happening far more often if she ever hears her precious girl is skipping cheer practice and doing badly at school. Lisa is sorry for lying and faces the corner of the room, panties down, rubbing a sore red bottom with plenty of time to reflect on how she can make mommy proud of her again!

Raven Mackenzie, Samantha Baker

raven_samantha_cheer.mp4 - 990.2 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Alice late night out - Swedish Discipline

Alice is coming home hours too late, with a bottle of wine in her hand, smelling alcohol and tobacco, with her hair dyed blue, and dressed like a slut. She thought step-daddy was out, but she was terribly mistaken. She had to undress completely, get fixated by cuffs to a spanking bench, and received a caning of her life. At least 80 strokes falls on her bare bottom before step-daddy releases her and put her against the wall to shame.


Alice late night out.mp4 - 153.7 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amelia's Fantasies - Part 2 - Strictly English Spanking Clips

Amelia Jane gets changed into very sexy baby doll pajama and white panties in preparation for acting out one of her fantasies. She enters the room where Richard is waiting and he scolds her for coming in at 1.00 am when he had made it very clear that for her own safety, while she was staying in his house, she was always supposed to be in by 10.30 pm. He tells her to kneel facing the sofa with knees apart and her head on the floor for him to spank her. When she fails to place her knees as instructed he tells her to stand back and proceeds to spank her with her standing, takes down her white knickers and spanks her some more. He then once more instructs her to assume the kneeling position with her hard on the floor. This time she obeys and he commences her spanking proper.

Next he makes her sit on the sofa with her bottom just at the very edge, raise her legs high in the air and wide apart. In this highly embarrassing and vulnerable position she is spanked again and the he uses a special spanking crop which has a small leather hand at the business end.

Presented here for the first time in 1920 x 1080p digitally enhanced HD format. MP4 version.

Amelia Jane Rutherford

AJR FANT CLIP 2B MP4.mp4 - 551.7 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Stripes Of Shame part 1 spr-2369 Spankingsarah

Ash is the Captain of the team. A team which has just been penalised by the actions of one of its players. Not only is Mila unrepentant for her behaviour, but she is argumentative and does not take any notice of the team captain. Ash feels a suitable punishment is to take away her uniform. Mila comes out of the shower wearing only a towel and demands its return. The two girls bicker and the argument is overheard by the coach who is unhappy with the both of them. Coach decides to punish the captain privately and asks Mila to leave the room. Ash is told to take off her clothes and goes over the knee and gets a hard hand spanking. Mila is then told to return, and she is spanked and paddled both by the coach and the naked captain.

Ashley Benson, Mila Grant, Sarah Stern

spr-2369.mp4 - 879.2 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cheer Conference Blues part 1 - Cheerleaderspankings

Adriana and Stevie were good friends going back years before they went to different schools and are now competing in different cheerleading squads. They've been enjoying each other's company and catching up at the grand Cheerleaders' Conference at an out of state event. However, their friendship is tested when one of the organizers, Madame Samantha B, hears of some girls smoking "waccy-baccy" on hotel grounds. This is serious stuff as she could lose the right to host such an event and is understandably angry. She tracks down the culprits and meets them both in Stevie's hotel room to discuss this further. Unfortunately for Adriana, she was the real culprit but could not take any more demerits, so Stevie reluctantly agreed beforehand to lie and say she was the one who should be punished harshly. Samantha is going to punish both girls but she reserves her ire for Stevie, and really spanks and gives her a long blistering paddling hard across her bare bottom, which Stevie is upset about. Adriana takes her spanking but only receives 10 swats of the wooden paddle. Both girls are scolded further and the organizer leaves. but it isn't over for Adriana. not by a long shot! Stevie is upset that she had to cover for her so-called friend and decides to spank her some more across to make up for what Samantha didn't give her. Also, Stevie tells Adriana to go fetch her hairbrush from the bathroom as she really gives it to her cheating friend! Adriana is wailing and promising never to get them both into such a situation again. she will do well to remember not to cross Stevie in the future!

Adriana Evans, Samantha Baker, Stevie Rose

cheer_conference_blues_clip01.mp4 - 306.8 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amelia's Fantasies - Part 3 - Strictly English Spanking Clips

Amelia Jane dressed in a very sexy baby doll pajama and white panties, is acting out one of her fantasies in which she gets spanked in different positions and is not allowed to complain.

Richard had already spanked her in the first position and has now made her sit on the sofa with her bottom just at the very edge, raise her legs high in the air and spread them wide apart. In this highly embarrassing and vulnerable position she is spanked again and the he uses a special spanking crop which has a small leather hand at the business end. This he uses on her soft exposed lower bottom cheeks, but when she breaks the rules and complains or moves without permission he slaps her inside thighs, a very painful place to be spanked.

Eventually he tells her to stand in preparation for the third position. She argues that she thought that was the third position. This earns her another bare bottom spanking and some more hard slaps on each of her inside thighs.

He then tells her take take her white knickers right off and bend over, touching her toes, to get the slipper.

Presented here for the first time in 1920 x 1080p digitally enhanced HD format. MP4 version.

Amelia Jane Rutherford

AJR FANT 3 FULL MP4.mp4 - 897.1 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
The New Girl 1

New girl Florence (Dilan) at Bellington Academy hand strapped, then spanked and slippered OTK by Miss Svenson.

Dilan, Miss Elsa Svenson

The New Girl 1-HD.mp4 - 917.2 MB

File Name : The New Girl 1-HD.mp4
File Size : 917.19 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:12:06



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Redemption spr-1874 Spankingsarah

Sometimes only pain will solve the problem and no one knows that better than Mr Stern. He takes time to explain this to Sister Suzanne who is still dressed in unauthorised underwear although this is not a problem for Stern. He has every intention of imparting some problem solving through the use of an extremely thick and heavy leather paddle onto the bare bottom of the poor nun. She is quite willing to accept this pain and it really is pain.

Mr Stern, Suzanne Smart

spr-1874.mp4 - 622.7 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Spanked Spoiled Brat - Cheerleaderspankings

Opal's Step-Momma is waiting for her when she arrives home from practice. Only Opal hasn't been attending practice and Step-Momma wants to know exactly where she has been after she received a call from the school's cheerleading coach that she has not been attending recently! She admits that she has been seeing a boy on the football team using her time at practice to be with him instead. This deception does not go down well with Step-Momma at all. She reminds the spoilt little brat that she is the first to complain if she doesn't get what she wants. This latest behavior has cost the family more lost money in fees for something this precious brat has lost interest in. Opal is taken over Step-Momma's lap for a hard hand spanking and a withering scolding that really shames this deceptive, selfish brat further. The hand spankings continue over her panties and bare reddening bottom. Her punishment is far from over as she is asked to hand over the heavy hairbrush, which she dreads, so it can be used on her bare behind. The wooden implement hits its mark again and again as Opal wriggles and struggles in pain until she realizes her spoilt brat routine will not be tolerated in the future!

Opal Skies, Samantha Baker

opal_samantha_cheer.mp4 - 753.1 MB
