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Fighting Girs - Scissoring/Facesitting/Wrestling- Catfight


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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Paisley Sweet Revenge

Misty Lovelace just made the biggest mistake of her life even though she doesn't know it till she wakes up with Pailsey Prince digging her foot into her chest. Paisley is wanting to teach a dangerous lesson to Misty for naping aropund with Paisley's man. Thats something you just don't do unless you want what is about to happen to Misty. Paisley has some dangerous legs and uses them to t0rture Misty in various Headscissors squeezes. Misty is tied up almost fully naked except for a sexy thong. She is helpless as Paisley takes her sweet time constricting Misty's neck between her thighs. Misty denies what happen but not for long as Paisley finally gets it out of her and its about to get worst for her as Paisley just doesn't stop but K0s her a few times before she decides to end Misty. Too bad for Misty she isn't awake to know her own demise is coming so she could atleast plea for her life. As Paisley has her locked and with a quick jerk out of nowhere its over. Misty is no more and paisley walks off leaving her lifeless carcass there.


File Size: 347 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 14mn 10s
File Type: mp4

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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Lexzee Battles Misty

New girl Lexzee makes her debut taking Misty in a battle to being the better woman. these have met each other on a photoshoot and didn't like each other very much so here we will see the results when two hot fireballs get to letting out their fraustrations on each other. Sweet Misty couldn't handle Lexzee from the beggining and Lexzee uses her new wrestling ss and muscular legs to extract pain from Misty. Eventually Misty gets too much of Lexzee's ass kciking and is put to nap while Lexzee poses with her ass near Misty's face as an extra humiliation. Misty however didn't take that lightly and comes back to show Lexzee just how much she knows a thing or two about ass kicking. Misty uses her super strength to over power Lexzee and puts her through loads of scissors and dominations only to end topless and take off Lexzee's top as well. Poor Lexzee gets strangled with her own top by Misty and as she contiues exerting pain on Lexzee it was not long before Lexzee was seeing stars as Misty does some of her own sexy posing over Lexzee.


File Size: 713 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 21mn 34s
File Type: mp4

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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You Are My Squishy!

Alice and Zoey are roommates. They are hanging our until Zoey gets a mischievous idea! She jumps on Alices chest and starts doing some HOM nose scrunching! The taunts her like this for awhile until she moves down and starts on some face squishing! Zoey dominates almost the entire time until Alice gets the upper hand. Its a very sexy sensual squishing scene. It is also Alices premier with RVQ! Dont miss out in the end where Alice reverses who's in charge! She takes pictures of Zoey being helpless and threatened to blackmail her if necessary!.


File Size: 1.3 Gb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 22mn 51s
File Type: mp4

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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Mia Battles Adrianna

Mia returns and she hasn't been seen since she started the first ever Topless Tombstones. She takes on Adrianna and proceeds to teach the smaller petite hottie a lesson using her thick round ass and strong crushing thighs as her personal weapon. Adrianna however has much experience this time around and wasn't going to lay down for Mia. Adrianna locks on some her own scissors and squeezes using her cute ass and slim but strong thighs and she of course didn't leave out her well known sarcasm. The back and forth battle continues between them until its determining K0 win by Mia and she absolutely crushes Adrianna's pretty neck and head between her ass and thighs in a reverse fig 4. She then taunts Adrianna by hovering over her face and shaking her round ass over her.


File Size: 557 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 16mn 32s
File Type: mp4

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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Zoey & Paisleys Rematch

Zoey and Paisley challenge each other to a rematch. The entire match is pretty back and forth until someone gets KOed and pinned. During the match you'll see plenty of scissors, ass slaps, wedgies, chokes, shit talking, tit attacks, stretches, and much more! If you can cram a ton of sexiness in 14 minutes, this is it! Check out how this match ends and join in in all the glory!


File Size: 839 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 13mn 58s
File Type: mp4

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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Tilly's Total Domination On Shauna Ryanne

Well this was Shauna Ryanne's first K0d In Bikinis series match up but too bad it didn't turn out well for her. Tilly was her opponent and they started out with clothes before stripping down to their bikinis. Tilly became quite the hand full for Shauna as she put her through a variety of holds that Shauna just couldn't get out of. Tilly enjoyed taunting Shauna while Shauna did manage to cry out quirky remarks as well cry out in pain. Holds that were used were an armbar, headscissors, naperhold, full nelson with bodyscissors and of course pro style dominations. When all was said and done Tilly just had to finish Shauna with her favorite squeeze The Tilly Plata which had Shauna heading into Dreamland and she was very satisfied with her work.


File Size: 677 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 19mn 59s
File Type: mp4

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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A Test Of Strength

Paisley and Mia are in for a treat. Paisley goes to visit Mia and chat about training and what not. Mia things she is definitely stronger than Paisley but Paisley thinks otherwise. Paisley asks Mia if she wants to wrestle. Mia says yes�. Paisley suggests oil wrestling, Mia thinks that sounds sexy! The scene changes to them on an erotic oil sheet. They strip down making Paisleys fantasy become a reality. Paisley oils Mia up then Mia oils Paisley up. They start up this friendly yet competitive oil wrestling fight. You can tell Paisley is enjoying it immediately! They go back and forth applying scissors, grapevines, etc. The match starts to end but Paisley is enjoying herself too much. She starts bringing her Pussy against Mias pussy. They share intimate kisses before Paisley bursts in pleasure!


File Size: 1.8 Gb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 26mn 1s
File Type: mp4

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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Queen Maria vs Celeste Competitive Match

Celeste is always ready for a challenge and best believe she gets one with Queen Maria The Brazilian jujitsu brown belt. Maria is of course way more sed then Celeste however she loves to grapple and whether or not the odds are against her she will face it head on. They start out in one piece suits and roll in them the whole clip. A competitive battle indeed it becomes but Maria having more ss she gets Celeste at every turn and taps her out. Eventually it comes to an end and we lose count on how many taps Maria gets on Celeste and believe us Maria doesn't disappoint. No hard feelings between the two but after the match Celeste intends to train more in BJJ and come back with more of an arsenal over her opponents.


File Size: 553 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 16mn 24s
File Type: mp4

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